Become a true Detective and WIN BIG!

What is it?

The Detective Collection will be available on different days for different lengths of time during the Detective event. It includes a variety of exclusive Detective-themed items that you can claim or add to your inventory. You’ll find them through various in-game sources and on our social media platforms.

The duration and other information of each Detective collection will communicated in the announcements in-game. 

You will be able to collect different item each time:

7 days collection - from Friday, January 31st to Friday, February 7th: Pipe
7 days collection - from Friday, February 7th to Friday, February 14th: Hat
3 days collection - from Friday, February 14th to Monday, February 17th: Magnifying Glass
7 days collection - from Friday, February 21th to Friday, February 28th: Candle Holder
3 days collection - from Tuesday, March 4th to Friday, March 7th: Wrench
3 days collection - from Tuesday, March 11th to Friday, March 14th: Badge

Every 10 Detective Items of the same item you collect, will get you prizes at the end of the collection period.

Where can I collect Detective items?

Play, complete and claim Detective items all around GOP3. Find them in Daily Activities, Blitz Events, Calendar Missions, Stamp Card Reset, Detective Train, and all GOP3 Social Media Channels!


What prizes can I win?

Collect Detective items during the determined collection times. At the end of the collection time depending on the amount of items of the same item you have collected you will receive:


Prizes for 7 days collections:

10-19 items: 3x Bronze Ticket
20-29 items: 2x Super Spin
30-39 items: 2x Gold Ticket
40-49 items: 1x Diamond Ticket + 1x Mega Spin
50-59 items: 3x Diamond Ticket + 2x Mega Spin
60-69 items: 1x Sapphire Ticket + 1x Ruby Ticket
70-79 items: 1x Fortune Spin + 1x Sapphire Ticket
80-89 items: 2x Detective Spin Ruby + 2x Black Ticket
90-99 items: 2x Detective Spin Ruby + 4x Black Ticket + 3x Scratch Card Jackpot (270M Chips)
100-109 items: 2x Detective Spin Ruby + 2x Black Multi Spin + 1x Scratch Card Jackpot (540M Chips)
110-119 items: 1x Detective Spin Emerald + 2x Black Multi Spin + 3x Scratch Card Jackpot (990M Chips)
>120 items: 1x Billionaire Spin + 1x Detective Spin Emerald + 1x Black Ticket + 500M Chips


Prizes for 3 days collections:

10-19 items: 1x Bronze Ticket + 1x Super Spin
20-29 items: 1x Detective Spin Silver + 1x Super Spin
30-39 items: 2x Gold Ticket + 3x Super Spin + 2x Silver Ticket
40-49 items: 1x Detective Spin Diamond + 1x Black Ticket + 1x Scratch Card Jackpot (270M Chips)
50-59 items: 2x Detective Spin Ruby + 1x Black Spin + 3x Scratch Card Jackpot (540M Chips)
60 or more items: 1x Detective Spin Emerald + 1x Black Multi Spin + 3x Scratch Card Jackpot (4.5B Chips)

Note: Collection prizes will be delivered to your notifications menu at the end of each collection. The prize you receive will be based solely on the total number of identical items you collected during that given period.

IMPORTANT: About a week after the event ends, all items collected during the event will be removed from all players' inventories.