Team Settings
Currently, we allow 40 team members.
When creating a team, you can enter a team name, description, and requirements.
Available requirements are: Location, Level, and Chip stack.
Creating a team costs 100 gold, but joining one is free.
You can set the team to Open, Invite Only, or Closed.
When creating a team, you can enter a team name, description, and requirements.
Available requirements are: Location, Level, and Chip stack.
Creating a team costs 100 gold, but joining one is free.
You can set the team to Open, Invite Only, or Closed.
- Anyone can join an Open Team.
- For Invite Only, players can apply with the right requirements.
- In a Closed Team, players can only join through invites.
Change Team settings
When you are the Leader of a Team, you can change the settings of that team.
- Click on the settings icon at the top left corner of your team profile.
- You can now change any of the Team properties, except for the Team name.
Just click the name of the player you want to promote or demote. You will see a pop-up with these options:
- Show profile
- Request to play
- Promote to leader
- Promote
- Kick
For more information about the ranks, please see the FAQ Poker teams - General info
- When you're a leader and you promote someone else to leader you will be demoted to officer. You will see a pop-up to confirm your decision. You can aboard the process there if clicked this option by accident.
- When the leader is not active anymore (for at least 3 months) and a member of that team would like to keep the team alive, we can assign a new leader. Please contact