This FAQ helps you to play on the same account on your mobile device and on PC. Choose first if you want to keep the game progress from your mobile device or from your PC.

You started on a mobile device…

...and played as a guest
  1. Start the game on your mobile device
  2. Click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on “Login”
  3. Register now with your email address + password by clicking on the envelope
  4. Your mobile account is now registered
  5. Start the game on your PC
  6. Click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on “Login”
  7. You are now in the registration window and need to click on “Login” first to proceed to the login window
  8. Type in your email address + password
  9. You are now logged in with the same account on your PC and mobile device

Please note: If you have already registered or logged in on your PC with another email address, it is currently not possible to log out again. We are working for a solution in the next update.

…and logged in with your AppleID
At the moment it is not possible to register your account on PC if you have your mobile account connected to your AppleID. 

...and logged in with Facebook
At the moment it is not possible to register your account on PC if you have your mobile account connected to your Facebook account. 

...and logged in with an email address
  1. Start you game on PC
  2. Click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on “Login”
  3. You are now in the registration window and need to click on “Login” first to proceed to the login window
  4. Type in your email address + password
  5. You are now logged in with the same account on your PC and mobile device

Please note: If you have already registered or logged in on your PC with another email address, it is currently not possible to log out again. We are working for a solution in the next update.

You started on PC…

...and played as a guest
  1. Start the game on your PC
  2. Click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on “Login”
  3. Type in your email address and choose a password
  4. Your PC account is now registered
  5. Start the game on your mobile device
  6. If you are playing as a guest, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on “Login”. Log in now with your email address + password by clicking on the envelope
  7. If you are already logged in with another Facebook, email or AppleID account, tap on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on Settings. Scroll down and tap then on “Log out”. You are now back in the start screen and log in again using your email address + password
  8. You are now logged in with the same account on your PC and mobile device

...and logged in with an email address
  1. Start the game on your mobile device
  2. If you are playing as a guest, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on “Login”. Login now with your email address + password by clicking on the envelope
  3. If you are already logged in with another Facebook, email or AppleID account, tap on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner and then on Settings. Scroll down and tap then on “Log out”. You are now back in the start screen and log in again using your email address + password
  4. You are now logged in with the same account on your PC and mobile device